onsdag 6 februari 2013

florece nightingale

Florece nightingale was born in 1820 in Florence, Italy. She grow up in Florence and when she was 12 years old she decided to do something whit her life and she enjoyed to visit sick people at the hospital. She wanted to be a nurse but her parents didn't wanted her to be that because her parents didn't wanted her to work at all. But she did what she wanted to whatever what her parents said. She moved to Germany to learn about nursing, she helped during operations and searched after sick people she loved to be a nurse. She went to Crimea whit 38 other nurses and Florence made a military hospital more safer and cleaner there, when it was war. When the war was over she wrote a book and it was about how to make hospitals better. Many people asked her for advice how to design a good hospital. When she was 90 years old she died in London, England. It stands " F.IV. Born 1820. Died 1910" on her gravestone.

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